Monday, July 21, 2014

Thankful for a smooth procedure

First off THANK YOU to everyone who prayed for me, 827 and Miss Grace today! We could feel them in a mighty way. It was amazing how God worked every little detail out - from opening up traffic lanes so we could get there on time to having the same anesthesiologist we had at a different hospital last time who has taken a special liking to our Grace. Every detail went smoothly. I was able to hold her as she woke up from anesthesia and they already had her IV and leads off of her. We were in a quiet room, with a really sweet recovery nurse who knew to have a purple popsicle ready before we even told her. It is amazing how attention to detail and quality patient care makes for such a positive experience. Today was a blessing and 827 and I commented several times it was totally God at work.

Here she is waiting in pre-op. She looks like such a big girl.  She knew what was coming and she was not happy about it but she held on to Gator Dog and she was okay.

We walk Miss Grace into the OR and give her a bear hug as they gas her. She doesn't do vercid ("goofy juice") well so we avoid that.  Gator goes all the way into the OR. She got upset so we let her hold him for a minute and get her breathing back under control. 827 held his leash and Gator's head was right by hers as she got the gas. He was not happy that we had to leave her in there. He was pulling on his leash in the waiting room and whining. There were a bunch of older adults in there waiting for procedures in the Heart Cath Lab and they kept looking at him. He wanted his girl back!

Waking up was so smooth. Our doctor and anesthesiologist were amazing. They really have taken time to know our girl and that means so much to me and 827. We were on the road and heading home within about 3 1/2 hours. Much better than the 8+ hours of her procedure in March. She was still tired. It was dark when we went into the hospital and she wasn't ready for it to be "good morning time."
Her biopsy pictures looked better than they did in March but not as good as they did in May. With eosinophillic esophagitis it is a biopsy based diagnosis so we have to wait and see what her eosinophil levels are. Those results should be back the end of the week. The plan will probably be to maintain the previous levels of steroids (so no weaning off like we had started) and keep her diet limited. Our doctor thinks going inpatient to do the feeding program to increase volume is the best plan so we will meet with them about that in a few weeks.

Thank you for praying for our girl! God has great plans for our warrior princess.

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