Monday, March 16, 2015

You make me brave.

On Friday night Miss Grace and I joined some friends for the premiere of Cinderella! It was a fabulous movie and the over all theme was have courage and be kind. It fell right in step for our family theme for 2015 about being brave.  Every day we sing the song, "You Make Me Brave" by Bethel's Amanda Cook. Jesus is the one who gives us the strength to face each new challenge. I admit there are days when I am sad and just want to have playdates and home days like other mom's and kid's. Instead we are out the door at 7:30am and off to therapy and our schedule is dictated by medication times, appointments and therapeutic massage. But I know God has a plan and a purpose for my precious girl and he is going to use her testimony to reach the nations for Him.


So speaking of schedules, we came home to about ten more days of bad weather. That meant missed appointments and rearranging our schedule. We wanted to have Miss Grace back at school on 3/16, but now we are shooting for 3/30. It doesn't make sense to start back to school and then miss 7 of the next 10 school days.

Today is a huge day for our girl. A day that is going to be rough on her, rough on Gator and rough on me. Please pray for her. We have to do some lab work this morning. This is always an awful experience for her, no matter how wonderful the nurses and staff are. We need the information and this cannot be avoided. Pray for peace in her little heart. Then after that we have to go see her muscular neurologist. He is one of the best in the country and we respect his opinion and recommendations. Because of her cerebral palsy everything from her waist down is effected. We have been on oral medication and she is in her leg braces, but now we have to up her botox and do injections in her legs to help with the spasticity. We pray this brings her some relief, although the injection process is going to be rough. Because of her feeding and oral issues she does not take the silly juice medicine well. We need her to swallow it so she can be kind of loopy and less resistant to the injection process (which will be harder on her). Can you pray that for me? 827 is at his new job and so it will just be me and Gator taking her today.

Thank you friends, for praying for my sweet girl. I cannot tell you how much the calls, texts, letters, care packages and visits meant to us while we were in the hospital. Every time we had a need God provided and met it before we could even worry. I know He is in control. Thank you for sharing this journey with us. I cannot imagine doing it without you.

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